22 october 2022
Participation of the SSB RT "Amonatbonk" in the "Career Festival"
On October 22 of this year in the campus of the National University of Tajikistan was held "Career Festival" with the participation of the top and successful financial, credit and commercial organizations.
18 october 2022
The meeting on the results of the activity of the SSB RT "Amonatbonk" or the nine months of 2022.
On October 18 in the headquarters of the State Savings Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan "Amonatbonk" took place the meeting on the results of the activity of the State Savings Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan "Amonatbonk" for the nine months of 2022, where took part the Chairman of the Board of the State Savings Bank "Amonatbonk" Ikromi S.S., Deputies Chairman of the Board Rizvonzoda F.Z. and Saifzoda Sh. Deputy Head of the Department of Finance of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic.